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Nexus Root Toolkit v2.1.9 ( Unlocking, rooting, relocking and unrooting )

Posted by Droid Spacepedia on الاثنين، 24 يونيو 2019

Unlocking, rooting, relocking and unrooting simplified! (and much more!)

VERSION 2.1.9– This program will automatically bring together all the files you need to unlock and root your device in a few clicks, or flash it back to stock and re-lock it. You can also use this program to backup/restore all your important data, flash zips, set file permissions, push and pull files, install apps, generate logcats/bugreports, and much more! With the included file association options, you can perform tasks like flashing zips, installing apps, restoring android backup files, and flashing/booting img files with just a double click! The program includes a full featured interface for automating tasks in TWRP, enhanced restore features, an in-built auto-updater/notification system, ‘any build’ mode, advanced restore features,’NRT- Live Log’ for viewing the adb/fastboot cmds that are run in the background, quick tools utilities, utility set for merging custom build.prop tweaks, and tools for taking screenshots/screen-recordings. 

All the latest official Android builds and Nexus devices are supported. The program intelligently and selectively downloads the files it needs for your device and makes sure you are using the latest files available. The program can even auto-detect your device and build. This release brings official support for the new ZIP style factory packages. Check out the updated changelog for a more comprehensive breakdown of the feature set and changes in this release.

~ my goal for this project is make the entire process as smooth and simple as possible ~

Supported Nexus devices: 

· Galaxy Nexus: GSM Models (both yakju and non-yakju builds)
· Galaxy Nexus: CDMA/LTE Verizon Models
· Galaxy Nexus: CDMA/LTE Sprint Models
· Nexus S: Worldwide, i9020t and i9023 Models
· Nexus S: 850MHz, i9020a Models
· Nexus S: Korea, m200 Models
· Nexus S 4G: d720 Models
· Nexus 7: Asus Tablet
· Nexus 7 3G: Asus Tablet
· Nexus 7 v2 (2013): Asus Tablet
· Nexus 7 v2 (2013) LTE: Asus Tablet
· Nexus 10: Samsung Tablet
· Nexus 4: LG Phone
· Nexus 5: LG Phone
· Nexus 5X: LG Phone
· Nexus 9: HTC Wifi Tablet
· Nexus 9: HTC LTE Tablet
· Nexus 6: Motorola Phone
· Nexus 6P: Huawei Phone
· Nexus Player: Google Device
· Nexus Pixel C: Google Tablet


Select the correct device and build (what you are currently running)
Configure your drivers if you haven’t already using the driver guide (If you aren’t sure use Step 3 of the driver guide to test your drivers).
If you need to, backup your important data.
Unlock your device
Root your device
Enjoy! ^_^
Learn more about each option by mousing over the control, dynamic tooltips will provide you more information, also each button displays a message about what it does first.
So the best way to get familiar with the toolkit is simply to press the buttons and read what it says.


Droid Life for their great instructions!
Google for android development.
Koush for CWM, Superuser
Team Win for Open Recovery (TWRP)
Dees Troy for information about openrecoveryscript
cheep5k8 for Unofficial TWRP for Pixel C
Chainfire for developing SuperSU and all things root.
1wayjonny for the Universal Driver device IDs
AutoIt forums for lots of helpful information!
copkay for his great guide on making backups
bravonova for his great list of build.prop tweaks
Ritesh Sahu for BackupRestore apps
osm0sis for the reset tamper flag zip
Stericson for the BusyBox app
Faux123 for answering questions I had about KitKat boot.img’s
Imoseyon and Bigxie for pointing me in the right direction in regards to ramdisk mod’s
Sykopompos for helping me understand sepolicy modifications
AndroidFileHost.com for hosting and API access.
Gist.Github for hosting the masterlist files.
WugFresh (thats me!) ^_^

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